Welcome to Kindergarten

In partnership with our local school boards, One Kids Place provides resources to help families prepare their child for kindergarten.

Tips for the first day of school:

  • Invite your child to take a special item from home, if necessary (a picture or special item)
  • Remain cheerful and let your child know who will be there to pick them up at the end of the school day.
  • Remind them about the exciting new things they will learn
  • Prepare their favourite snacks for nutrition breaks and have your children work with you to pack their lunch bag.

Once school starts there are some simple ways you can help your child make the most of kindergarten:

  • Make learning a regular part of your activities at home (e.g., reading with your child, playing games together, cooking together).
  • Talk to your child’s educator’s about other ways you can support your child at home.
  • Ask your child specific questions about what they learned or did during the day. ( e.g . What was your favourite part of school today? (e.g., blocks, sand, water, library, outdoor play)
  • Make school and learning an important part of family conversation.
  • Attend information meetings and other events organized for parents and families.

One Kid Place activities and resources are age appropriate and help families better understand the child’s development and skill level. Check out our resource section below.


Same & Different – Skills Activity

Printable PDF – Circle the pictures that are the same.

Matching – Skills Activity

Printable PDF – Draw a line to match the pictures that are similar.

Scissor Skills – Skills Activity

Printable PDF – Cut along the lines.

Popular Children’s Songs and Rhymes – Speech & Language Activities

The following are activities that you and your child can do together to help practice and develop speech and language skills.

I Hear With My Little Ear – Play and Pretend

The following are activities that you and your child can do together to help practice and develop speech and language skills.

Drawing & Letter Tracing – Fine Motor Skill Activities

The following are activities that you and your child can do together to help practice their fine motor skills.

Fine Motor Skills – Skills Activity

The following are activities that you and your child can do together to help practice their gross motor skills.

The Letter Carrier Game – Play and Pretend

The following are activities that you and your child can do together to help practice and develop speech and language skills.