Developmental Clinic
A clinic that provides a collaborative inter-disciplinary assessment and consultation service to children and youth with developmental concerns based on the principles of family centred service.
The Developmental Clinic is a service that can assist your child/youth and family by:
- Facilitating a medical diagnosis by providing an appropriate inter-disciplinary assessment and/or referrals for further assessment and investigation.
- Determining therapy requirements/interventions that can be provided by One Kids Place.
- Generating a comprehensive treatment plan that may include referrals to community agencies.
- Facilitating counselling and support needs for parent(s)/caregiver(s) as it pertains to the child’s diagnosis and/or developmental difficulties.
- Monitoring children/youth at risk for significant developmental problems.
- Working in partnership with community agencies to meet needs of children, youth and families with developmental challenges.
Children and youth (up to 19 years of age, or 21 if they are attending secondary school) who resides within the District of Nipissing with a physical, developmental or communication disability.
Children and youth must be currently receiving or eligible for one of the primary services at One Kids Place to be eligible.
Referrals to One Kids Place Developmental Clinic can be made by your pediatrician or family physician.